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Decoding God Puzzle belief v/s alleged science fiction book cover

...this book is different -- it’s a page turner like a mystery novel.

Phil, Sidney

...raises some valid questions

to a unsolvable riddle...

I’m a true believer but this

book made me think twice.

Ricky Lou, UK

Veer Chauhan, Mumbai

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Decoding God Puzzle : Belief v/s Alleged Science Fiction book reading sample google play
Decoding God Puzzle belief v/s alleged science fiction book by andy educreation publishing

The most complex & somewhat controversial subject written in

a most uncomplicated manner.

Odor, South Africa

...this book is an eye opener.

Kew Thomas, USA

ISBN: 978-1-61813-415-8

DECODING GOD,  as the name suggests, is about explaining the mysterious god phenomenon that prevails in our society. I’ve taken a simple & direct approach to explaining the god phenomenon by taking 

help from research work done by others.


This book is written in such a way that everyone can understand it, irrespective of his or her background in the subject. The book has been made concise so that it remains interesting to read.


Furthermore, this book does not deal with the denial or acceptance of the existence of god but rather with the extent of god's influence. It is this phenomenon that I question.


DECODING GOD takes a head-on approach to investigating the mysterious phenomenon of God. It takes help of prevailing belief systems to solve this mystery. Unfortunately, this raises more questions with no easy answers.


Ultimately, it is left to the readers to decide what explanation they’d like to believe—a belief in a god or a science fiction theory.

Decoding God Puzzle belief v/s alleged science fiction book cover

ISBN: 978-1-61813-415-8

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god enigma, ancient alien, secrets about god, god delusion, what is god, decoding god puzzle, alien god

We all know who God is until someone asks us to explain it.  For example, H2O stands for water, in all languages, in all parts of the world. HOWEVER, when it comes to God, there are so many views/opinions and descriptions about God, that even Google & Bing would become exhausted dishing out answer after answer.


The God phenomenon is real, but anything explaining it thus far has been written off as nothing but fiction. Phenomenon ranging from a highly popular belief – God as a Supreme Being; the creator & the destroyer of everything, to a highly controversial theory - God from outer space, an alien. "Ancient aliens", as some will describe it.


The enigma of God continues to haunt mankind, at least for those seeking the truth about God.

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